Here are the notes from our November fiddling workshop. We talked about starting out with playing simple slow notes in the background, and progressing to rhythmic accompaniment, licks, solos, and […]
Warmups, Stretching and Excercises – Workshop Notes
Avoiding Injuries: If it hurts, stop playing. Try to be relaxed in your approach and posture. Warming up: Warmup before you play every time. I also warmup when I wakeup […]
Effective Practicing – Workshop Notes
Here are my notes from my workshop on Practicing Effectively. Included are a general HowTo outline for practicing, some basic recommendation, and a couple of additional handouts with scale exercises […]
Twin Fiddle Workshop Notes
Here is the notes handout from the twin fiddle workshop. It has some general rules to consider when playing twin fiddle, as well as a very basic arrangement of Boil […]
Music Theory Workshop Notes
I have posted the notes that I handed out at the Practical Music Theory fiddle workshop. If you are wanting to learn a little bit about music theory, the reference […]
Music Theory Workshop Notes
I have posted the notes that I handed out at the Practical Music Theory fiddle workshop. If you are wanting to learn a little bit about music theory, the reference […]