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[The song played at the beginning of the Quick Tip is called Pass the Grog. Find the myTalentForge fiddle lesson for it here!]
Hi I’m Vi Wickam, here with another Quick Tip for your week!
Now this tip applies to all the musicians out there. It really applies to anybody…
That tip is… magnesium.
Now you may ask, what does magnesium have to do with playing the fiddle?
Well, the cool thing about magnesium is, magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant. So if I’ve played a long day of gigging or just practice a long session, I’ll take a couple hundred milligrams.
The serving is two pills, of 200mg each. But usually I’ll just take one before bed. And not only do I wake up a little less sore in the morning, I also sleep a little heavier.
So something to try out, something to consider. It’s completely natural. I use Magnesium Asporotate, which is a mixture of magnesium aspartate and magnesium orotate.
Give it a go! Try it out, see if you like it! Let me know below if you are a fan of magnesium as well.
Just another note on magnesium- calcium is another mineral that your body needs that if you become low in calcium, you can actually get cramps in your muscles because of it.
If you find you’re having muscle cramps, magnesium or calcium or both might help.
That’s your Quick Tip for this week, I’ll see you next time. Have a great week!
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