Woohoo! It only took 3 and a half years (Talk about a Long Time Comin’, but my album, Long Time Comin‘ is now live on Pandora!
This is really exciting for me because I’ve never been available on Pandora before. It makes me feel pretty awesome. I’m even smiling right now.
If you are a Pandora listener, there are 2 things you can do that would make me smile even bigger.
1. Please create a Pandora Station in your account called Vi Wickam.
2. If you have a music station already created in Pandora that you listen to a lot, please add me to your station.
And, if you’re not a Pandora Listener, but would still like to here my music, you can buy Long Time Comin’ and my other albums from my online store.
Thank you so much for your support. You all are AWESOME!
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